Arctostaphylos nevadensis
Pinemat Manzanita
Shrub, mounding or prostrate, usually less than 1 ft. tall, branches reaching outward more than 3 ft. No burl at base. Stems covered with short fine hairs. Leaves bright green, shiny on both sides, widely oval, with pointed tips. Flowers bell-shaped, white, in short clusters. Berries round, brown, shiny. Grows in all soils, often on rocky slopes, at mid- to high elevations. Similar to A. uva-ursi but generally larger and with pointed leaf tips, berry more brownish red than bright red.
- Rarity: Locally Common
- Flowering Time: All Spring
- Life Cycle: Perennial
- Height: 6--20 inches
- Habitat: West-Side Forest, Subalpine
- Found In: Mt. Rainier Np, Siskiyous, N Cascades Np, Crater Lake Np
- Native: Yes