Ceanothus pumilus

Siskiyou Mat

Prostrate evergreen shrub usually less than 8 ft. wide. Stems red-brown and angled when young. Leaves evergreen, opposite, less than 3/4 in. long, with short petiole. Leaves widely oval, with few very small teeth near tip, dark green on top, lighter underneath. Flowers in small clusters, blue, lavender, or white. Seedpods rounded on top, not wrinkled, bright red. Grows in dry rocky serpentine at 100–6000 ft.

  • Rarity: Endemic
  • Flowering Time: Late Spring, Early Summer
  • Life Cycle: Perennial
  • Height: Mat
  • Habitat: West-Side Forest, Meadow
  • Found In: Siskiyous
  • Native: Yes

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