Crepis occidentalis
Western Hawksbeard
Erect, densely gray with felt-like hairs. Leaves lobed and toothed much the same as the common dandelion. Basal leaves 12 in. long; stem leaves smaller, sessile. Stems branch into cymes with 12–30 flower heads; cups have short hairs with small glands at the ends, flowers 9–40. Grows in dry, rocky, open places, mostly in foothills and plains.
- Rarity: Common
- Flowering Time: Early Summer
- Life Cycle: Annual, Perennial
- Height: 4--15 inches
- Habitat: Shrub-Steppe, Meadow
- Found In: Wallowas, Siskiyous, Olympic Np, Steens, N Cascades Np, East Gorge
- Native: Yes