Iris innominata

Golden Iris

Clump of grass-like leaves, upright unbranched stems. Leaves evergreen, 1/8 in. wide, deep red at base, forming dense clumps that bend back and out from center. Flowers light to deep golden yellow, cream, apricot, orchid pink, or deep blue-purple, with prominent veins, perianth tube about 3/4 in. long and stem below ovary about same length as tube. Grows on partly shaded, rich, well-drained slopes below 6000 ft. Innominata is Latin for "no name," for this was the last West Coast iris found (in 1928) and named.

  • Rarity: Uncommon
  • Flowering Time: Late Spring
  • Life Cycle: Perennial
  • Height: 1/2--2 feet
  • Habitat: West-Side Forest
  • Found In: Siskiyous
  • Native: Yes

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