Plantago lanceolata
English Plantain
Tuft of basal leaves, upright brown spike. Leaves lance-shaped, 2–6 in. long, with many noticeable veins, sometimes hairy at base. Flowers in 1–3 in. dense rounded spike atop 6–25 in. stalk. Flowers green, with numerous pale yellow stamens extending out as they bloom from bottom to top, flowers turning brown and persisting as spike matures and elongates. Grows in waste places, gardens, lawns, at low to mid elevations.
- Rarity: Common
- Flowering Time: All Year Long
- Life Cycle: Annual, Biennial, Perennial
- Height: 6--25 inches
- Habitat: Meadow, Disturbed
- Found In: Olympic Np, Mt. Rainier Np, Wallowas, Siskiyous, Crater Lake Np, Steens, N Cascades Np
- Native: No

More Information:
- Common synonyms: lanceleaf plantain
- More Photos
- USDA Plants Database
- CalPhotos
- OregonFlora
- E-Flora BC