Rudbeckia glaucescens
Waxy Coneflower
Erect, stout. Stem smooth, unbranched, with single flower head at top. Basal leaves 4–10 in. long, 2–3 in. wide, with few teeth or entire, hairless and coated with white or bluish waxy powder when young. Flower head has 8–21 often reflexed ray flowers 1–2 1/2 in. long surrounding narrow cone about 1 in. high of green to yellow disk flowers. Grows on serpentine in seeps, along streams. Similar R. californica has green leaves without powder, sometimes lobed, with hairy lower surface; grows in seeps but not on serpentine.
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Flowering Time: Late Summer
- Life Cycle: Perennial
- Height: 24--48
- Habitat: Bog/Fen/Wetland
- Found In: Siskiyous
- Native: Yes
More Information:
- Common synonyms: California coneflower
- More Photos
- USDA Plants Database
- CalPhotos
- OregonFlora
- E-Flora BC