Trillium ovatum

Western Trillium

Stem erect, lower stem bare. Leaves 2–8 in. long, linear to widely egg-shaped, with pointed tip. Flowers on 1–2 1/2 in., erect to weak stalk above leaves. Sepals green, lance-shaped. Petals 1/2–3 in. long, oval with pointed tip, white fading to pink or deep rose-red. Seed capsule is a green or white berry. Grows in cool moist mixed woods, coniferous forests, redwoods, to 6000 ft. Subsp. oettinger has small nodding flowers, linear to lance-shaped leaves with very short stalks; grows in mixed forests in California's Marble Mountains. Subsp. ovatum has wide sessile leaves, upright flowers with petals 1/2–2 3/4 in. long; grows from coast to 5000 ft.

  • Rarity: Common
  • Flowering Time: Early Spring
  • Life Cycle: Perennial
  • Height: 4--18 inches
  • Habitat: West-Side Forest, Coastal, East-Side Forest
  • Found In: Crater Lake Np, Siskiyous, Wallowas, N Cascades Np, Olympic Np, Mt. Rainier Np
  • Native: Yes