Hieracium scouleri
Scouler's Hawkweed
Erect stems with basal and stem leaves. Stems bristly or hairless. Basal and lower stem leaves 4–8 in. long, lance-shaped, entire, with long hairs. Inflorescence contains many flower heads in glandular cups, each yellow head composed of 15–50 ray-like disk flowers. Grows in open shrubby or wooded places in all elevations.
- Rarity: Common
- Flowering Time: All Summer
- Life Cycle: Perennial
- Height: 1--3 feet
- Habitat: Meadow, West-Side Forest, East-Side Forest
- Found In: Siskiyous, West Gorge, Crater Lake Np, Mt. Rainier Np, Olympic Np, N Cascades Np, Steens
- Native: Yes

More Information:
- Common synonyms: woolly weed
- More Photos
- USDA Plants Database
- CalPhotos
- OregonFlora
- E-Flora BC