Hymenoxys hoopesii
Orange Sneezeweed
Erect stems. Basal and lower stem leaves oblong, entire, with short, winged petioles; leaves become lance-shaped, sessile toward top. Flower stalks white-woolly below heads. Flower heads large in shallow bowl formed of 2 rows of bracts; ray flowers 14–26, deep yellow to orange, surrounding slightly raised large flat disk. Grows in meadows on high mountains, including Steens Mountain.
- Rarity: Locally Common
- Flowering Time: All Summer
- Life Cycle: Perennial
- Height: 1--3 feet
- Habitat: Meadow
- Found In: Steens
- Native: Yes
More Information:
- Latin synonyms: Dugaldia hoopesii, Helenium hoopesii
- Common synonyms: tall mountain helenium
- More Photos
- USDA Plants Database
- CalPhotos
- OregonFlora
- E-Flora BC