Arabis drummondii
Drummond's Rockcress
Stems erect, branched or unbranched. Leaves mostly basal, 1–3 in., with petioles, lance-shaped with sharp tip, sparsely toothed to entire; upper leaves clasping stem, 1/2–2 in., narrower, without hairs. Flowers white or pink. Seedpods erect, with rounded tip, crowded, 2–4 in. long, hairless, on erect stalk. Grows in open areas on gravel or talus at mid- to alpine elevations. The few interesting hairs on basal leaves can be seen with a hand lens; they are U-shaped and attached at center. Similar A. furcata, with no petioles on lower leaves, has smaller sessile upper leaves, similar white flowers; grows in rocky places, bluffs, talus slopes, at low elevations.
- Rarity: Locally Common
- Flowering Time: All Spring
- Life Cycle: Biennial, Perennial
- Height: 4--35 inches
- Habitat: Subalpine
- Found In: Siskiyous, Steens, Wallowas, Mt. Rainier Np, Olympic Np, N Cascades Np
- Native: Yes