Arabis lyallii

Lyall's Rockcress

Stems slender, upright. Leaves at base sessile or with short petiole, oblong, 1/3–1 in., with few smaller leaves on stem. Flowers 3–15 on stem top, rose to purple. Seedpods erect to spreading outward, straight, hairless, to 2 1/3 in. long. Grows in rock crevices, on slopes, ridges, at high elevations.

  • Rarity: Uncommon
  • Flowering Time: Early Summer
  • Life Cycle: Perennial
  • Height: 4--10 inches
  • Habitat: Alpine, Shrub-Steppe
  • Found In: Wallowas, Steens, Olympic Np, Mt. Rainier Np, Siskiyous, N Cascades Np
  • Native: Yes