Arnica sororia

Twin Arnica

Erect, 1 to several 8–20 in. stems, sometimes branched, glands and hairs on upper stems, white hairs in axils. Leaves in 2–6 pairs, 1–16 in., lance-shaped to oblong, mostly sessile, spaced far apart along stem. Flower heads single to few atop stem, each with 8–23 ray flowers, 1/2–1 in. long. Grows in damp meadows, dry rocky soils in sagebrush communities, at mid elevations. Similar A. rydbergii is half as tall, grows in dry meadows, mostly high in mountains.

  • Rarity: Rare
  • Flowering Time: Early Summer
  • Life Cycle: Perennial
  • Height: 8--24 inches
  • Habitat: East-Side Forest, Shrub-Steppe, Meadow
  • Found In: Wallowas, Steens, N Cascades Np
  • Native: Yes

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