Aster oregonensis
Oregon White-Top Aster
Erect. Stems with few or no hairs. Leaves mostly on stem, the lower withering before flowering, 1–3 in. long, lance-shaped with sharply pointed tips. Flower heads in flat-topped clusters, each with very short stalk; calyx white with green, pointed tips. Ray flowers 5, white; disk flowers with purple anthers. Grows in open places in woods at mid- to high elevations.
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Flowering Time: Late Summer
- Life Cycle: Perennial
- Height: 2--5 feet
- Habitat: West-Side Forest, Meadow
- Found In: West Gorge
- Native: Yes

More Information:
- Latin synonyms: Sericocarpus oregonensis var. oregonensis
- More Photos
- USDA Plants Database
- CalPhotos
- OregonFlora
- E-Flora BC