Cordylanthus capitatus

Yakima Bird's Beak

Erect, shiny green to gray-purple, densely hairy, glandular. Erect stem, many spreading branches. Leaves narrow, 3/4–1 1/2 in. long, often divided into 3 parts. Inflorescence consists of 2–5 flowers in head. Flower red or maroon with yellow tips, calyx gray-purple, 1/3 in. long, with tips curved back. Grows in open conifer or juniper forests or other dry open places at low to mid elevations. Closely related to paintbrush, Castilleja species, which also lives partially off the living roots of other plants.

  • Rarity: Uncommon
  • Flowering Time: Late Summer
  • Life Cycle: Annual
  • Height: 8--20 inches
  • Habitat: East-Side Forest, Shrub-Steppe
  • Found In: Steens, Wallowas, East Gorge
  • Native: Yes

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