Ipomopsis congesta
Ballhead Gilia
Stem erect to spreading, hairless or densely coated with fine hairs. Leaf 1/3–1 1/2 in., hairy, entire or divided, 3–5 lobes. Inflorescence is a round ball of flowers atop stem. Flower tube is yellow, longer than calyx with white oblong lobes, stamens extending beyond lobes. Grows in dry open places in shrubs, forests, subalpine and alpine, at mid- to high elevations. There are 7 subspecies, including subsp. viridis, frilly gilia, which has weak sprawling stems, stamens and pistil not extending beyond lobes; found at timberline in Wallowa Mountains.
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Flowering Time: Mid Summer
- Life Cycle: Perennial
- Height: 4--12 inches
- Habitat: Meadow, Subalpine, Alpine
- Found In: Wallowas
- Native: Yes