Montia linearis
Narrow-Leaved Montia
Erect with many branches from base. Stems 2–8 in. long. Leaves narrow, 1/2–2 in. long, alternate on stem, none basal. Flowers in clusters of 2–15 on side of stem tips, petals white or pale pink. Grows in sandy to rocky soils, moist meadows, openings in woodlands, below 8000 ft. Other small annual montias found in same habitats: Howell's montia, M. howellii, spreading, not erect, 1/3–3 in. tall, with small self-pollinating flowers usually not opening; dwarf montia, M. dichotoma, only 1–2 in. tall, with tiny white flowers, very narrow leaves; branching montia, M. diffusa, to 8 in. tall with distinctive, stalked diamond shaped leaves 1–2 in. long, many spreading stems.
- Rarity: Locally Common
- Flowering Time: Mid Spring
- Life Cycle: Annual
- Height: 2--8 inches
- Habitat: Vernal Wet, West-Side Forest, East-Side Forest, Shrub-Steppe
- Found In: Olympic Np, Mt. Rainier Np, Wallowas, Siskiyous, East Gorge
- Native: Yes