Rubus parviflorus
Erect shrub often making dense thickets. Stems woody, bark brown and shredding, no thorns. Leaves broad, maple-like, with 3–5 finely toothed lobes pointed at tips, green on upper and lower surfaces. Petioles and flower stems often with stemmed glands. Flowers in clusters of 2–9. Flowers large, white, textured like crumpled paper, each petal to 1 in. across. Fruit red, raspberry-like, slightly hairy. Grows in moist shady woods below alpine. Fruit edible and tasty but seedy.
- Rarity: Locally Common
- Flowering Time: All Spring And Summer
- Life Cycle: Perennial
- Height: 2--9 feet
- Habitat: Coastal, West-Side Forest, East-Side Forest
- Found In: Coastal , , Olympic Np, Mt. Rainier Np, N Cascades Np, Crater Lake Np, Wallowas, West Gorge, Siskiyous
- Native: Yes