Browse Plants by Type: 3 or 6 petals

Listera cordata

Listera cordata

heartleaf twayblade
Lloydia serotina

Lloydia serotina

alpine lily
Lythrum salicaria

Lythrum salicaria

purple loosestrife
Mahonia aquifolium

Mahonia aquifolium

shining Oregon-grape
Mahonia nervosa

Mahonia nervosa

dwarf Oregon-grape
Mahonia repens

Mahonia repens

trailing Oregon-grape
Maianthemum dilatatum

Maianthemum dilatatum

false lily of the valley
Maianthemum racemosum

Maianthemum racemosum

large false Solomon's seal
Maianthemum stellatum

Maianthemum stellatum

star Solomon's seal
Meconella oregana

Meconella oregana

white meconella
Narthecium californicum

Narthecium californicum

California bog asphodel
Oxyria digyna

Oxyria digyna

mountain sorrel
Piperia elegans

Piperia elegans

elegant rein-orchid
Piperia unalascensis

Piperia unalascensis

short-spurred rein orchid
Platanthera hyperborea

Platanthera hyperborea

northern green bog orchid
Platanthera leucostachys

Platanthera leucostachys

Sierra bog orchid
Platanthera orbiculata

Platanthera orbiculata

round-leaved bog orchid
Platanthera sparsiflora

Platanthera sparsiflora

few-flowered bog orchid